At Harris Hill it has quite a slope and Condor requires runways be at one elevation (so it was cutoff to blend with the terrain). The home of Soaring in the United States.
Fly New York (Western/Elmira) – 16 tiles. Used by the Piedmont Soaring Society located in Farmington. Fly North Carolina (West of Winston-Salem) – 30 tiles. Very wooded landscape, significant hill right next to the runway. Fly Pennsylvania (South East of Erie) – 15 tiles. This landscape is used for SSA Region 5 Glider Competition. Fly South Carolina (Region 5) – 49 tiles. A nice landscape for Southern Sweden centered around the former military Ljungbyhed airport. Home of the Tennessee Wing Civil Air Patrol (kids in High School can learn to fly gliders!). This if the flying area of the Texas Soaring Association! Covers area primarily south and west of Dallas. Fly Texas (Southwest of DFW) – 24 tiles. Home of the San Antonio Soaring Society, 20 miles northwest of downtown San Antonio, using the Boerne Stage Airfield. This area of the country is used by the USAF Academy for cross country training. From Clovis in the northwest down to Levelland in the southeast. Fly Texas (Central Area/Littlefield) – 30 tiles. It is divided into numbered lanes, and gliders are cleared by the tower for a specified lane.Interested in how they train? A copy of a past Syllabus and Basic Soaring Manual. It is called the SPLA (Sail Plane Landing Area).
The landing area is the green AstroTurf just to the west. Notes: Your takeoff point is a paved runway, starting in the middle. This is the landscape used in their Mach 0.1 simulator training (they usually solo in 12 rides). Covers Colorado Springs, the Academy, and west into the mountains.
Fly the United States Air Force Academy – 24 tiles. If you’d like us to post one of yours, just let us know! Click on the stamp image to see the tile coverage. You can also find a large collection of sceneries at the Condor Club website. We’re happy to create a free landscapeof your Club’s local flying area, just complete this form. (Listed in reverse alphabetical order by State/Country) They are compatible with Condor2, just unpack in your C:\Condor2\Landscapes folder.
The follow high resolution photo-realistic landscapes were developed using the tutorials & tools from our site. You’ll find an explanation of these items and any documentation/tutorial info by visiting either the Tools or Tutorials pages. Here you’ll find downloads to all the tools/tutorials we are distributing from this site and some landscapes created with the same tools.